I don’t know about you…
…but I’m felling 2022!
Happy New Year, everyone! I am reporting live from my couch after the most fun week ever! If you didn’t know already, my birthday and New Year’s Eve are just a day apart. So, I spent my time visiting family, seeing friends, and eating some of the best Italian food ever! Now, I am taking the time to soak in the biggest moments of 2021.
Last year, I wrote a blog named “New Year, New Me” where I went through the three biggest accomplishments of my last year and three goals I wanted to set for the New Year. I was reading over it and honestly guys- I got a little emotional. I think sometimes we forget all that we accomplish during an entire year and it was so nice to know where I was and the growth I have been able to walk through.
I decided, why not make that a tradition! I think it is not only important to recognize your accomplishments, but also create attainable goals! This is the perfect way to merge the two and check in where I am next year. So, let’s get started!
My Three Accomplishments of 2021
My business had a re-brand! Earlier this fall, I had the privilege of working with the ridiculously talented, Amina Studios. I cannot stress enough how this optimized not only how I function my business, but how I function my day-to-day life. Working with Amina helped me learn more about myself, my business, my audience, and more. This truly takes the cake when it comes to accomplishments in the past year. (You can read more about the process of the re-brand, here!)
I shot over 20 weddings! Last year, I had only shot one wedding independently with the opportunity to shoot as a second shooter on other weddings. This year I shot three weddings independently and was the associate shooter on my other weddings. This is a huge accomplishment with how young my biz is and I can’t wait to see what is in store for 2022!
I grew profitability! 2021 was definitely a time of growth and planning as we were all navigating the uncertainty of COVID-19. This year, I saw growth not only in my profit, but in my investments. With the income I was able to pull in, I was able to turn around and invest it in things my business needed. Now don’t get me wrong, I still have a way to go, but I consider this a major accomplishment!
My Three Goals of 2022!
Give SEP an entire new website! Since my re-brand I have been able to go through my website and give it a major face lift, but it still isn’t entirely what I want. I think now is finally the time to hire someone to go through each corner of my website and give it that something I am looking for. So, if you are reading this and happen to do website design, please feel free to shoot me an email!
Hire a VA! One of the goals I had for myself last year was to go full time. As I am still working to get there I am as busy as ever. I think having a virtual assistant would help my life in ways I couldn’t even imagine, because y’all…running a business is a lot of work! Again, if you are reading this and have VA experience, shoot me an email! I would love to speak to you!
Grow The Southern Creative Collective brand and create more educational content. For those of you who do not know, I am the co-owner of The Southern Creative Collective with my best friend Nichole! The Southern Creative Collective was born from the idea of education by hands on experience for every level type of photographer. It has always been a dream of mine to hold educational experiences for other photographers and Nichole and I finally took that leap. We are holding our first ever experience in February and couldn’t be more excited! (And if you are interested in more information click, here!)
I am giddy over the thought of coming back to this blog this time next year and seeing what all happens for SEP. Owning a business is truly one of the best things I have ever done in my life and doing it with you all makes all the difference.
So, I guess I will see you back here in 2023.
Until next time…