The Midnight Bar: Why You NEED One At Your Wedding!

Happy Sunday, friends, and greetings from Charleston, South Carolina! I am on the coast this lovely Sunday to shoot a wedding for the sweetest couple, Marrisa + Walker! I will be sure to have sneak peeks up by the end of the week, so follow along here for all the fun! Speaking of fun, this week’s blog is dedicated to one of the most fun wedding reception ideas to have at your wedding.

Introducing, The Midnight Bar!

The Midnight Bar is exactly what it sounds like; a bar that is open for wedding guests later in the night or even at midnight. This bar can include hamburgers, tacos, candy, or anything else to offer your friends a midnight snack before getting home. The reason a midnight bar is so popular is for its unconventional timing, fun food options, and it helps sober up your guests before your wedding reception ends. I honestly LOVE the idea of having this available for guests and below I am sharing three reasons why you should have one at your wedding! Let’ go!


When thinking about the details of your wedding, the personalization you put in doesn’t have to stop at your wedding favors. This could be taken all the way to your midnight bar! Your bar could include your favorite foods, fast food items, candy, cream, and more. Not only that, but it could include food from your culture! I think there are so many unique ways to personalize your bar from food down to the napkins, it just may take some thinking outside of the box!


If there is one thing to make anyone happy in this world, it’s food! Food is one of the most universal ways to keep a person (especially a group of people) happy and in good spirits. That is why I think having a midnight bar is key to a wedding reception! Most wedding dinners include one meat, one vegetable, and one carb. While this is a great equation for a successful dinner, after eating comes drinking and dancing and after spending two hours doing both of these things, your guests may get hungry again. Offering a midnight bar open will help your guests from sitting in a Cookout drive-through, sober up after drinking, and keep them happy!


This may sound weird, but a bride and groom not eating during their wedding reception is more common than you may believe! Why is that? Well, it’s hard to sit down and enjoy a meal when you are wanting to go around and greet your guests. Then, by the time both the bride and groom are home they are starving. With a midnight bar, you don’t have to worry about any of that! Because of its relaxed nature, a midnight bar is a perfect way to get a bride and groom fed!

If you are at the end of this blog and not convinced that you need a midnight bar at your wedding, then I hope the pictures at least convince you! It is the perfect way to make sure everyone is fed, happy, and keeps your wedding party going all night long!

Until next time…

xoxo- Sarah
