A Letter To All Moms

Happy Mother’s Day, friends!

Today, I want to do something a little different from my normal blogs. I want to take the time to speak to the mothers who are all walking different roads in life. I am not a mother so, I can only speak on what I know, but I do know this: All mothers deserve more than just my mere words! You deserve statues, parades, endless vacations, and the largest spicy marg known to man! I have written words for all moms below. I hope you enjoy!

Dear Moms,

I don’t even know where to begin.

I have always wondered how you encompass your strength and grace. They live simultaneously within you and I will always be in wonder of that. As I have watched my own mother live selflessly, I can’t help but stand in awe as every mother does the same.

You make the decision to live for both you and your child and that should never go unnoticed. Neither should every sacrifice, every late night, every kissed boo-boo, every hot meal you prepare, and the endless cycle of chores you do. I speak for everyone when I say, “Thank You.”

Dear Single Moms,

You truly are superheroes living among us.

I won’t try to understand the daily sacrifices, hard work, and endless patience you work through every day. I have friends who are single mothers and I am always left speechless by the amount of work they put in every day and every night.

I may not know much about motherhood as I don’t have a child, but I do know one thing. I hope to be half the mom you are to my children one day. I have watched you turn every hard situation into a beautiful experience not only for yourself but for your little ones. You are creating a generation of warriors ready to take on anything life gives you head-on.

I know that this day may be hard for a lot of you, but please know you have so many people rooting for you! You have an entire army ready to help raise you up, support you, and to love on you. You are incredible. You are strong. You are the definition of love.

Dear Moms To Be,

Your story is just now beginning.

Your child is coming to you because you already are the perfect mom for them. You don’t have to change who you are. You have all of the qualities they need. You’ve been matched.

Think about it—of all eight billion souls, they are the chosen one for you.

You are going on this journey to learn and grow together. My wish for you is that you experience everything motherhood has to offer with joy, love, compassion, and most of all, patience.

Dear Moms Who Have Lost,

I am so sorry for your loss.

Words seem too shallow, and even the act of writing feels like an offense in the face of your heartbreak, but I had to acknowledge your pain. I wish I could sit in pain with you and listen to your words, sobs, or silence. I wish I could take the gut-wrenching pain you are feeling and carry it myself. I wish we didn’t have to live in a world where women had to experience this type of loss.

Grief is never easy to hold. So, in these moments please allow yourself grace. If all you do today is breathe, then so be it. The world does not expect you to be okay. We are all sitting in this grief with you, waiting for you whenever you are ready. Time does not exist in this space.

I never know how to express words to a person who is grieving. How can you? All I can do is offer a hand of friendship, love, and peace. If you need anything at all, please feel free to contact me.

