How To Throw A “Thank You” Dinner For Your Bridal Party

Hello, friends! I want to start this blog off by asking you to do some imagining with me! I want you to imagine the following scene with me. Okay? Ready…1, 2, 3…

You just walked down the aisle with your lover, danced the night away with your friends, kissed your family goodbye, and now you are driving away from your dream wedding. Everything feels right as you finished another chapter in your fairytale love-life!

This day is a dream come true for many, if not all, brides. Yet, what would this day be without a wonderful group of friends standing beside them, helping through the planning process, and everything in between? This blog will shift the spotlight from my brides and shine on my bridal party! Bridal parties work hard to ensure their bride is happy from the beginning of their engagement to the moment they leave the wedding venue. So, I want to dedicate this post to all the hard-working friends who help to make their bride’s wedding a success!

There are many ways to “thank” your bridal party including a personalized gift, paying for the location of your bachelorette party, and more. But one “thank you” I love the most is a “thank you” dinner. A dinner is a great time to share an intimate space with your besties, favorite drinks, and food! That is why I have a short list on how to throw a festive bachelorette “thank you” dinner!

How To Throw A “Thank You” Dinner For Your Bridal Party

  1. Choose An Intimate or Quiet Space Where You Can Be Loud

    When you are out with your friends, it is almost impossible not to be loud! Instead of worrying about disrespecting other people’s shared space, book a restaurant with a private room, outdoor seating, or event space. By booking a more private space you are making your bridal party feel special and loved. Which they should! They spent the time to make you feel special and now you can return that favor! Spend time laughing, giving speeches, and making forever memories!

  2. Gift Them With A Small Gift or Hand Written Letter
    One of my favorite ways to love on friends is with a gift! I love to spend time thinking of what that friend may like and I want to make sure their present is something with thought and intention. That is why I think that spending time personalizing each bridal gift is super important! While you can buy matching silk pajamas’ for everyone, you could also get everyone something different and in parallel with what they like! Now, I also want to be realistic because weddings are expensive and it may be too much to buy an individual gift for every bridesmaid. Instead of spending money, take an afternoon to write a letter to each friend thanking them for their help! A little can always go a long way with these types of gifts!

  3. End The Night With Dancing and Singing

    Let me make one thing clear, when it comes to any type of party, I WILL be dancing! I believe if you end your wedding with dancing, then you should end a bridal party dinner with dancing! It can be a time for everyone to let loose, have fun, and who knows- maybe sing a little karaoke! Make a

Whether you do a dinner or not, I hope that you found a little inspiration in this post on how to love on your bridal party a little more. And if you are looking for more inspo for your own “thank you” dinner, feel free to shoot me e-mail or DM! I would love to help you through any details (or even shoot the dinner itself!)

Until next time…

