Welcome to the heart of our visual storytelling journey! Our blog is a cozy corner where we share the behind-the-scenes magic, wedding tales, and photography adventures. Dive into a world of love captured through my lens, exploring the unique moments, creative process, and personal stories that shape each frame. 

Whether you're seeking wedding inspiration, photography tips, or just a good dose of love, this blog is your invitation to join the conversation. Let's embark on this visual adventure together, where every post unfolds a chapter of the artistry, passion, and genuine joy that define our approach to capturing love stories.

Hi, friends! It’s getting HOT outside, y’all! We are truly in the thick of Summer and the heat has reminded me daily that she isn’t going anywhere soon! While walking to my car the other day, sweating bullets and all, I thought to myself what a great blog topic this would make! In honor of […]

Three Tips On How To Keep Guests Comfortable At Your Summer Wedding

July 17, 2022

Hi, friends! I know that we’re about to talk about desserts which is one of my favorite things to talk about, but I have to tell you about my week! I was able to travel to my favorite place in the entire world, Charleston, South Carolina! I was able to eat great food, drink fruity […]

Three Non-Traditional Wedding Cakes You NEED At Your Wedding

February 28, 2022

Happy first official week of November, everyone! Wow- I just have to say that November is already FLYING by! In just this past week alone I was in New York for less than 24 hours, attended my best friends wedding, shot said wedding, and so much more. It has been such a whirlwind season, but […]

How To Honor Loved Ones At Your Wedding

November 7, 2021

Hi, friends! What. A. Week! Whew! I knew that October was going to be a busy month, but we’re only a couple of days in and I find myself chugging coffee and running on power naps. It may be a crazy couple of weeks, but I live for busy season! Which only makes me sound […]

Four Unique Guest Book Ideas

October 3, 2021

Hello, friends! Grab a pen, paper, and let’s pop the champagne because today we are covering a fun topic for everyone: Signature Drinks to have at your reception! With a quick google search you will find hundreds of different concoctions including anything from whiskey to gin to vodka and more. Yet, narrowing down the list […]

Fun Signature Drinks For Your Reception

August 8, 2021