Welcome to the heart of our visual storytelling journey! Our blog is a cozy corner where we share the behind-the-scenes magic, wedding tales, and photography adventures. Dive into a world of love captured through my lens, exploring the unique moments, creative process, and personal stories that shape each frame. 

Whether you're seeking wedding inspiration, photography tips, or just a good dose of love, this blog is your invitation to join the conversation. Let's embark on this visual adventure together, where every post unfolds a chapter of the artistry, passion, and genuine joy that define our approach to capturing love stories.

Happy First weekend of December, everyone! I can’t believe we are approaching the end of the year already! It has been quite literally an insane last quarter! Between shoots, bookings, editing, and my newest project with The Southern Creative Collective, I feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off (in the best […]

Five Ways To Keep Guests Warm At Your Winter Wedding

December 4, 2022

Can you believe we are already into April?! I couldn’t be more excited to finally welcome the Spring season! Yet, with that Spring season follows Summer. If you don’t already know, I live in South Carolina where our summers are not just hot, but HOT. In preparation for the warmer weather, I want to provide […]

Five Ways To Keep Guests Cool At Your Summer Wedding

April 3, 2022

If there is one thing you should not include in your wedding that is: expectation! It can become all too easy to have others influence your wedding day and what should happen. But did you know that most of these expectations are wedding myths? Your wedding is whatever you want it to be! It is […]

Wedding Myths: DEBUNKED

March 27, 2022

Hi friends! Yesterday I was posting to my Instagram and happened to put in my caption, “we are one week from Christmas.” Then, it hit me…we are ONE week from Christmas. I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but this year has flown by. I can’t wait to take this week to work […]

Four Winter Bridesmaids Dresses

December 19, 2021

Hi, hi! We are finally in December, which is insane because wasn’t it JUST January?! I think that we should kick off the first Sunday or December with a fun Winter Wedding Blog! Today, I want to discuss a few tips for any of my Winter Wedding brides. These will be simple tips that you […]

Tips For Your Winter Wedding

December 5, 2021

I don’t know how everyone else’s mornings have been, but here in South Carolina they are COLD! It is currently 57 degrees on a Sunday morning and I am wrapped up in my fuzzy blanket with a cup of hot coffee to keep warm. So, I feel it is only appropriate to write a blog […]

Ways To Keep Guests Warm At Your Fall Wedding

October 17, 2021