Four Ways to Stay Warm at Your Winter Wedding


Let’s talk Winter Weddings!

They are a growing trend in the wedding world that include rich colors, faux snow, and the perfect white aesthetic. But, when it comes to the reality of a winter wedding well… it gets a little cold. If you are wanting to plan your wedding around a winter theme, you will have to take in consideration the comfort of your guests. I am pretty sure no couple wants to watch their guests leave right after the ceremony or early in the reception! So, that is why I want to share with you four ways to stay warm at your winter wedding!

  1. Blanket Station

    I’m sure everyone has seen this in some shape or form on Pinterest! It is a perfect way to keep your guests cozy during the colder weather. With COVID-19 cases still on the rise this idea will take some out-of-the-box thinking! One Covid friendly way to set this up is to us a table to display the blankets and have one side for “unused” blankets and another side for “used” blankets! This way your guests know which ones to take and where to leave ones they have used!

  2. Warm Drinks

    Nothing will warm a person up more than a nice, warm drink! This can be done in multiple ways: First, you could set up a coffee station with coffee, creamer, sugar, and more. One of my favorite go-to coffee places is Mac’s Java! Check their website out, here! Another way to incorporate warm drinks in your wedding is to make your signature cocktail a warm drink! Hot Toddy, Mulled Wine, or a Hot White Russian- any of these warm drinks are sure fire ways to keep your guests warm.

  3. Set The Expectation

    The best way to prepare for inclement weather is to know about it ahead of time. You can communicate to your guests to dress warm in multiple ways. You can mention it in your wedding invitations, wedding website, or through word of mouth. This way, your guests will be better prepared to celebrate you and your partner all night long!

  4. Warm Wedding Favors

    Need an idea for the perfect wedding favors? Try hand warmers! They are inexpensive, practical, and will help keep everyone warm through the night. You can buy a 10-pack here.


There are many other ways to keep everyone at your wedding warm including a fire pit (if the venue allows), renting an enclosed tent, and more. Never let the weather keep you away from planning your own personal winter wonderland wedding!


