Gallery: AC Hotels Styled Shoot | Greenville, South Carolina

Hi Friends, 

Happy Sunday and Happy Valentine’s Day!! Or, Happy Galentines Day to all my single gals!  Today has been celebrated with chocolate, champagne, and celebrating this gallery!


Last weekend I attended a styled shoot workshop in Greenville, South Carolina. It was an incredible experience at one of downtown Greenvilles newest AC Hotels. I finished this gallery this past week and wanted to share some of my experiences about the day with you…Let’s go!


Welcome to the newest AC Hotels in Downtown Greenville, South Carolina! I loved the opportunity of this styled shoot because I went in not knowing many details. I knew we would be shooting on a rooftop which is one of my favorite landscapes to shoot. I was really excited to come in with fresh eyes and a new perspective to do something new!


We did run into a little bit of a challenge with the weather which turned out to be a positive for photos! It was SUPER windy and a little rainy, but it was so much fun to play around with those elements! Some of my favorite shots are products of the insane wind! It was fun to use potential obstacles to my advantage!



In the workshop, there were multiple photographers (who were all the sweetest people!) When you have multiple people sharing the same space you do have to think on your feet and sometimes step from your comfort zone. I took to different levels and angles and channeled as much creativity into different shots! I definitely wanted to be able to get original shots. 


I did not have many poses in mind going in. I just went with my creative gut on a lot of them. I generally know which direction I want to go with when posing a couple. With styled shoots it does take a little bit of time to read the couples chemistry and see how they interact with each other. I try to keep each pose natural and really work hard to not force the couple in any type of direction. It was almost too easy with these models. They had incredible chemistry and their natural posing  was almost like a dance and they were reading off each other’s cues.


This was one of those experiences you walk away from thinking, “I am SO glad I was able to take part in that.” As a photographer, I always push for my fellow photographers to attend styled shoots because it’s a great way to get practice in. I learned so much from this shoot. Thank you The Styled Event for hosting!


Have the happiest Valentine’s Day! 


