How To Honor Loved Ones At Your Wedding

Happy first official week of November, everyone! Wow- I just have to say that November is already FLYING by! In just this past week alone I was in New York for less than 24 hours, attended my best friends wedding, shot said wedding, and so much more. It has been such a whirlwind season, but I seriously enjoy every second of it! And having you along on the ride is the icing on top!

Today, I want to touch on a subject that I haven’t been able to yet. Weddings are meant to be a joyous occasion but, sometimes it can be difficult to fully celebrate in the absence of a loved one. Despite the happiness surrounding the event, it is completely valid to feel the absence of your friend or family member can’t be there in person.

Today, I want to share with you a few ways you can honor those who have passed while also celebrating love with your partner. Also, it is worth noting you don’t have to plan anything special if it’s going to be too much for you on your wedding day!! This is up to your personal preference! If you feel like you may be too overwhelmed with this task, you can always honor loved ones after the wedding! In saying that, let’s get started:

How To Honor Loved Ones At Your Wedding

  1. Reserve A Seat

    One way to honor a loved one is to reserve a seat at the front row of the ceremony. You can do this by leaving the chair empty or placing a sentimental item in the chair like a jacket, photo, or flower bouquet.

  2. Reserve A Table At Your Reception

    If you would rather honor your loved ones during reception than the ceremony, one way you can do so is by reserving a table at your reception. Place the table just like every other one and set a framed picture of them in place of where the plate would go.

  3. Include A Note In The Program

    If you would like a more subtle way to honor a loved one, include a note in your programs. This could look different ways including, “In Honor Of”, printing off lyrics to their favorite song, or a small statement.

  4. Pin A Photo Of Them To Your Outfit

    This technique will work best for the groom by pinning a small photo of them either in the inside of their jacket pocket or to their boutonniere. Brides can do this by including a article of clothing that their passed loved ones had including earrings, shoes, or a hair accessory.

I hope these four tips can offer help to any of you during your wedding planning process. Anything you do, whether it be big or small, will be perfect either way!
Have a great week!

