Hi friends and Happy New Year!
I think it’s no secret that 2020 was a difficult year for everyone. I saw brides change their wedding venue, change their entire wedding plan, or even cancel their wedding to adapt to the pandemic. It has been rough, especially on small business owners. (Shop small, people!) We have all dealt with isolation, and in an industry that depends on people laughing together and sharing passions, it was hard. But, despite every trial I have to say I am proud of myself and my business this year!
2020 was all about learning, healing, growing, and trusting! I spent a lot of time thinking about the best way to adapt to Covid-19 with my brides and clients and in return it created a deeper and richer connection with them. That connection catapulted me in accomplishing major milestones in my business. Milestones I want to share with you!
My Three Accomplishments of 2020
1. I shot my first solo wedding this year!! This was a HUGE deal for me! I’ve been shooting weddings for some time and most of those weddings were contracted under other photographers. It has been a honor to work my people, but this year I was able to put a stamp on my own weddings and it felt so good!
2. I invested in myself and my business! Quarantine provided the perfect opportunity to invest in online education, courses, workshops. (I even attended a few in-person styled events!) At the beginning of 2020, I was TERRIFIED to spend money on my business. I thought I wouldn’t be successful if I had to give up money as soon as it hit my bank account from a client. Now, I am SO thankful for friends and mentors who pushed me to invest in my business. Click here for my resources I hold most dear that have provided so much comfort, encouragement, and growth! Let me know if you use it and what you think. It did so much good for me and I hope it does the same for you!
3. One of the biggest lessons I learned in 2020 (and I’m still learning this honestly) is that I have had to change my definition of “productive”. As an enneagram 4 wing 3, I struggle to rest and not beat myself up that I’m not doing something “productive”. I felt this most during the Spring of 2020- When we all had so much time we didn’t know what to do with. It was during that time that I chose to dive head first into education and spend every spare second learning (see my #2 accomplishment!). While I am SO thankful that that this slower season allowed me to grow, I struggled to put it down and rest- which lead to a little bit of burnout. Thankfully, I had people in my life to keep me accountable and tell me that it’s okay to rest. Changing the definition of rest and productive had been one of the hardest things about 2020, but so rewarding to realize that rest IS productive.
Something I’ve been thinking about is that there is no dream too small. I have been seen many people say, “I’m not making goals for 2021 in case it turns out like 2020!” I think most of these comments are supposed to be lighthearted and funny, but please still dream big, friends! I think that 2020 taught me that nothing is promised so WHY NOT dream crazy things?! And not beat yourself up if you don’t reach them. (Ahem, talking to myself here!)
I’m terrible at writing down my goals and that is something I’m going try to do differently this year!
My Three Goals of 2021
1. Go full-time with my photography business and quit my 9-5 job! A lot of people don’t know this, but I have a 9-5 job in marketing! While I am very thankful for my full time job and the lessons it has taught me, I am ready to walk fully into photography full time. Here’s to lots of hard work to make that dream come true in 2021!
2. Book more out-of-state weddings. I love being a South Carolina Wedding Photographer! I have seen so many gorgeous please. Now, I would love to explore other areas and states! With travel costs so low right now, it’s the perfect time to hire your dream photographer, even if they are out of your state! The wedding industry is changing to be more focused on more intimate and destination- based weddings and I would love to be a part of these moments with you!
3. REST. I feel like I’m in a season of hustle (and I don’t love using that word), as I am working my regular 9-5 job and spending most nights editing and learning and most weekends at weddings. It can be exhausting and I’m looking forward to a time (hopefully in 2021!!) where I will not be burning the candle on both ends. But for now, I am focusing on learning to take days off (even when it feels impossible) and learning the rest process!
I am so excited for what 2021 will bring, even if it is unexpected. I can’t wait to share all the new things I am working on with y’all including a few surprises! Make sure to check in to see what they are by following along and say, “hi” on Instagram!
Happy 2021 xoxo