An Interview with Adison of Amina Studios


A couple of weeks ago, I launched a new rebrand. This rebrand was something that I had been considering for a while and I wanted to take the time to invest in it, the right way. I spent quite some time researching designers and making sure I went with someone who was as passionate as I was about business design and growth.

Cue Adison of Amina Studios.


I came across Amina Studios through a fellow content creator on Instagram. I was blown away by how well put together her entire look was. From her instagram down to the blog on her website. It felt familiar, as if I knew who she was without knowing her- which is HUGE!

I took the leap and emailed Adison, owner of Amina Studios, and I was sold from our initial email conversation. There was such beautiful attention to detail that she put into my inquiry way before I reached for my wallet. It was an incredible experience that I can’t help but share with everyone else. I reached out to Adison and we shared and interview-styled conversation. I hope you all are able to take away the value of branding from our conversation. Enjoy!

S: Briefly describe how you started your business and get to the point where you are today? What is the best part about running your own business?

A: I started my studio back in 2019, and to be vulnerable with you, it started as a creative outlet for healing in a season of my life where I felt alone. The Lord truly used design as a creative outlet that lend to healing in my heart, and then he blessed it beyond my wildest dreams into the studio it is today! My absolute favorite part of running my studio is truly getting to serve and work with so many different, beautiful, and extremely talented humans. I have yet to work with someone who didn’t embody joy & strength in their industry!

S: Where are some of the places you draw inspiration from when designing for clients? Did you find an opportunity to play while constructing my rebrand-and if so where?

A: Hmmm, I love this question. I think the most important thing I have had to teach myself is that inspiration can come from so many different things, whereas when I first started my studio, I believed Pinterest was the end-all- be-all for inspiration resources. SUCH A LIE. I love to draw inspiration from so many different areas, photography specifically really lends to getting me in that creative space. Sometimes I scroll through websites like Creative Market, and look through the different fonts and draw inspiration from type, and sometimes inspirations or ideas hit me hard when I am mid-shampoo scrubbing in the shower, ha!

When it comes to your brand specifically, man oh man, did I have so much stinking fun. To be truthful, the whole experience for me was inspiring, and I know from our first email exchange we’d be a fantastic fit! I had SO MUCH FUN playing around with some customizations in the typography of your logos. Playing with the “R”s and “B”s to make the imitate the curvature in your brand icon. *Chefs KISS*


S: What was one part of my rebrand you loved creating the most?

A: I had so much fun thinking through & re-imagining what it meant to be modern, and luxury, yet authentic, with a *touch* of bohemian, in a very unexpected non-trendy way. What a mouth full! It’s all about taking what my client desires for their brand, what they’re drawn to, my unique design style and eye, and most importantly, what is going to strategically work and convert for their target audience. Also known as, the perfect blend. That’s where the magic really happens.

S: Briefly walk us through your client process- what’s your favorite part?!

A: Communication is truly the foundation of my entire client process, and to be vulnerable with you, it’s constantly evolving as I grow with each client project I take on, because like I said, I get to work with the most amazing people.

Each project is kicked off with the gift of a Client Welcome Guide that sets the expectations and tone for the remainder of our time together! I love to include a ton of information at every step of my process to make sure no client is ever left wondering. Even in the welcome guide I like to include a project timeline, list of expectations, and a checklist for my client to keep track of any homework or files they need to submit before our start date. Throughout the process I include lots of collaborative questionnaires and workbooks for my clients to complete so that I make sure we are 100% on the same page, every step of the process together.

And above all else, my heart is always to serve my clients to the very best of my abilities. Branding is FUN, and I love for my clients to experience the joy in the season of business they’re in!

S: Why do you think people should hire someone like you for their business?

A: When thinking about hiring a designer, I will be the first to attest that I completely understand the investment is a big one, but it’s truly priceless when compared to the ROI (Return On Investment). Building a strong branded experience is more than simply having a pretty aesthetic or logo. Strong brands consist of yes, the visuals, but more than that, the messaging, the way you communicate to your audience, your brand’s attributes, and strategy, foundations, and so much more.

Your designer will know how to create all of these pieces and how they work together to cultivate that priceless branded experience that converts captions into conversations, DMs into inquiries, and inquires into loyal, paying clients or customers.

S: If you could give one piece of advice to anyone looking to invest in branding for their business, what would you say?

A: When it’s time to invest in custom branding, often times you’ll feel it. Maybe it’s that your brand leaves you restless, or your hesitant to give out your socials or site because your brand is a source of embarrassment, or it could be a combination and simply put — your brand is the outsides that does NOT resonate with what you feel on the inside. All of which is normal, and trust that I’ve been there to at one point or another in my business. But one thing I know from my years of experience is that you are going to attract what you put out, and the same goes for how you treat your business. You can’t expect for high paying clients to flood your way, if you’re not also treating your business with the same care and worth.

Guys. Working with Adison was one of the best assets for my business. It not only helped give my brand a a look I wanted, but it helped me understand how I want my business to grow. She made me question the important and sometimes forgotten details that are important to keep you true to yourself and to what you are creating. I would love if you all took a moment to check her out by clicking here. Scroll through her portfolio’s, read her blogs, and check out her variety of packages. You won’t be disappointed!

