Wedding Inspiration

Happy Sunday, friends!

We did it everyone! We made it through the month of February (cue all the confetti)!

What a month is has been too! I went from shooting Valentine’s Day minis to a styled shoot in Downtown Greenville, South Carolina and more! When thinking about what to write in my blogs I always try to be the most authentic version of myself. (I even wrote a blog about it, here!) Then it hit me: My authenticity is nothing without inspiration! Inspiration is a catapulte in which drives me to do what I do. So, I thought it would be so much for to show you some of my own wedding inspo. This is not only used for me to show what I personally like, but for brides to get an idea of what they may want in their wedding.


A lot of my own inspiration comes from a combination of the dramatic, romantic, boho, and classic wedding styles! I know that is just about every type of style, but I love to use elements from all of them to convey the drama and raw emotions of the wedding day. I am big on capturing the emotional highlights of the day. It brings me so much joy!


So, when you are designing a theme or style for your wedding, you want to think about which current trends you like. For example: satin dresses, neon signs, etc. But, you also can add classic elements into the mix so you aren’t disappointed in twenty years when you look back at an outdated trend! I am a huge sucker for a trend, but at the end of the day I have to ask myself, “am I doing this for myself or am I doing it for others?” We want you to remember the moments and joy, not just the trends themselves!


You can make your wedding day much more “you” by the way you style it. This is meant to be an expression of you and your hubby’s new life together. With that being said, it should reflect you and YOUR style!


I hope you enjoyed going through some of these photos and hearing me explain where I draw inspiration from! If you are a bride planning your wedding, please know that your inspiration doesn’t have to come from just the interest. Go outside for a walk, listen to music, cook, whatever you need to do. The fun thing about inspiration is that it hits when you least expect it. Enjoy the moments and let the rest flow!

Have a great week!


