Five Tips For Creating Your Wedding Budget

They finally popped the big question! You finally said yes!

It is time to buy the biggest wedding planner, the best ball-point pens, all the fun stationary, and begin your wedding planning. This process, as scary as it may be, is something that you should enjoy and one of the ways to do that it is to be financially prepared. Creating a wedding budget, or any budget, is never easy! It is a lot of hard work, but it not impossible. That is why I want to share with your five tips for creating your wedding budget. These five tips will help you from start to finish so that you can walk down the aisle fully focused on your spouse and not worrying about the cost it took to get there. Let’s get into it!

Five Tips For Creating Your Wedding Budget

Count Those Coins

Before you start creating your budget, take time to count how much money you have to spend on your wedding now! This is because how much you can spend on your wedding will come from three main financial sources: your individual savings, the amount you can set aside from your paycheck, and donations from friends or family. The foundation of your wedding savings will come from the number you can contribute today. That number could be $200 or $2,000, but any amount will be good enough!

Track Your Spending

Listen. When it comes to creating a budget a spreadsheet will become your best friend! There are many ways to design yours by adding tabs, color coding certain items, and much more. My biggest piece of advice would be to track everything down to the napkins. This spreadsheet will help you make decisions with vendors, save for the things you want, and keep you on track until your wedding day!

Budget For Any Emergencies

There is nothing worse than signing a contract and not knowing about additional fees. Before you sign anything, read the fine print because you want to be sure the cost covers everything you are aware of. Having savings for emergencies will help with this! You can set aside money for hidden fees, possible vendor transportation, planners, tips, and much more. In this case, you would rather be safe than sorry!

Remember: Flexibility is Key

Remember when you were a little kid and would write about your dream wedding in your journal? That dream isn’t impossible, but it might take some flexibility. When creating your wedding budget, it is key to keep an open mind incase you are not able to afford your dream wedding venue or dress. This mindset is not easy to have, but will allow you to enjoy this process more. The time before you wedding day is a time that may be stressful, but it can be fun! Try not to be hard on yourself, keep an open mind, and ask for help when you need it. You are only one person and you deserve to have help!

Your wedding day is one of the most special days of your life and you deserve to not let any financial burdens take that away. There are endless ways to create the perfect budget and stick to it. My biggest piece of advice is to ask your friends and family to keep you accountable. This will help you stay on track, stay focused, and have the wedding you deserve.

Until then…

