Gallery Highlight: Lydia + Christian

Hello, all of my beautiful friends!

If you are reading this then, welcome to my blog! I am so glad you are here! Before we jump into Lydia + Christian’s love story, I wanted to give you all a little update. (Feel free to skip this part, I promise it won’t hurt my feelings, hehe!) Whew, I know I sound like a broken record, but this season has been crazy busy!! I was fortunate to shoot everything from engagements to weddings, to family sessions, and more. Not only that, but my family and I traveled to Africa which honestly was the most incredible experience of my entire life!

Life has been a back-to-back rollercoaster of events and while I am always down for the ride, I am also tired! I guess there truly is no rest for the wicked. I will be sure to update you with more fun throughout the month of August and beyond because I’m not done just quite yet!

Now, let’s get into the good stuff!

My sweet, sweet Lydia + Christian!

Lydia and Christian are some of the sweetest and most intentional people I have ever met. From our first meeting to their wedding day, everything was seamless and perfect. The first time they were in front of the camera was for their engagement session. This time was authentic to a fault and I swear that evening felt like I was hanging out with people I have known for years! We all ran around a field at sunset capturing that sweet summer golden hour light. They even brought in their sweet pup for some photos at the end of their session!

Lydia and I met a month before her wedding to shoot her bridal portraits. Again, our time together was authentic to a fault! She brought in a few props, one being a photo of her mother in her wedding dress. And now I feel Lydia has created a generational memory that will continue to live on. (I can’t get enough of sweet moments like that!) We shot her bridals at their wedding venue and it was the perfect glimpse into what would be a stunning wedding day.

Their wedding was so much fun to experience! Towards the end of their reception, when we were all tired and giddy, they said the most *genuine* “thank you” I think I have ever received in my entire life! They went above and beyond to make sure all vendors were taken care of which means so much to those who work in the industry. Being wrapped in that kind of care doesn’t happen often, but when it does it makes that client’s experience even better!

When Christian initially reached out he told me he had seen some of my work (peep my Notebook Rowboat session) and he knew from that moment that he had to book me. It was an unreal moment. I had shot that Notebook session almost two years before their wedding and it felt like the universe was graciously filling in the puzzle pieces of my business. I love reflecting back and seeing how everything played out. I don’t think I will ever forget little moments like that!

One of my favorite moments from their wedding day was when they did a “first touch”. They both read handmade cards they wrote to each other which brought both tears and laughter. One thing I will always remember is what Christian drew for Lydia and put inside of her card. They lost their sweet lab a few months prior to their wedding and Christian drew a tattoo for Lydia of their pup’s paw. She was thoroughly surprised by the drawing and it made for a great pocket of connection between the two before walking down the aisle. Their cards were unreal and you could tell they took their time to pay close attention to detail.

It was an honor to walk through Lydia + Christian’s entire wedding experience and one I will never forget! I want to thank both of them for trusting me with something as delicate as a wedding. I will never get over creating forever memories for two people who are 100% meant for each other.

Until next week…

