Gallery Highlight: Jess + JohnMichael

Happy Sunday!

I hope you all are spending the day unpacking Fall decor because that is exactly what I am doing! I have been editing, laying out pumpkins, and lighting candles, all while reruns of Gilmore Girls play in the background. It’s been the most peaceful day and that is why I chose this gallery to highlight for today’s blog. Today’s gallery highlight is one that is romantic, calming, and gives off major “meant-to-be” vibes. I cannot wait to gush about Jess + John Michael so everyone get ready!

The first time we all three spoke was on a Google meeting. (If you are a creative, you know that an initial with clients can always be intimidating.) The meeting was so much fun, y’all. You could tell how excited they were not only for the session but for their future wedding. When they both spoke about the vision of their wedding, they lit up like a Christmas tree! We then discussed the location of their engagement shoot, which was at the College of Charleston where they both met, the style and feel, then it was time to shoot! It was a great meeting and everything felt so initial which is one of my features in a dream client! So let’s get into the photos!

Jess + JM are extremely kind and equally as quirky! I had the best time getting to know more about them during their engagement session. As time went by during the session, you could see the two of them becoming more comfortable in front of the camera which is always the best part about shooting! One component that helped with this was the fact that both Jess + JM helped relax each other. There were moments when I saw JM intentionally getting Jess to smile and I loved it.

Being on the cistern at COFC where J + JM met was such a special moment. They told me that they met in the building behind where we were shooting and they fell in love so easily. They talked about how they spent so much time in that space and it was a full-circle moment to have their engagement photos done there. Not only that, but JM is a Charleston history buff and acted as our tour guide! He told us all the fun history facts while we walked around. And if you have never been to Charleston, then you need to know this city holds so much rich history!

One of my favorite moments of our session was when we visited the church they are getting married at next year! I had them pose by the church so we could compare photos from now to next year! This church is stunning and I seriously cannot wait to shoot the actual wedding!

I want to thank both J + JM for trusting me with these special photos, for exploring Charleston with me, and for being your authentic selves! I hope that you two continue to grow your love together and flourish in the most beautiful ways. I will see you next year at the wedding!

Until next week…

