Ways To Keep Guests Warm At Your Fall Wedding

I don’t know how everyone else’s mornings have been, but here in South Carolina they are COLD! It is currently 57 degrees on a Sunday morning and I am wrapped up in my fuzzy blanket with a cup of hot coffee to keep warm. So, I feel it is only appropriate to write a blog on how to keep warm at weddings!

With the season getting colder, I wanted to touch on how to keep guests warm at your fall wedding! If you are planning to have a wedding ceremony outside then, you will want to make sure to keep your guest comfortable so they aren’t trying to rush inside after! Below are several ways to do just that to ensure you have a comfy, cozy wedding for everyone to enjoy.

Ways To Keep Your Guests Warm At Your Fall Wedding

Offer Blankets To Guests

This seems like a no-brainer because it is! You can buy them in bulk or thrift them to have mix-and-match designs. My biggest piece of advice would be to get more than you may expect so you can ensure everyone will get a blanket!

Hand Out Hand Warmers

If you feel you may not have the time to pass out blankets, you can pass out hand warmers instead! You can incorporate them into your program so you know your guests will get one!

Have a Hot Cocoa/Coffee Bar

In last week’s blog I briefly spoke on having a coffee bar at your wedding and now I want to bring this thought back! This is a great way to not only offer warmth, but it is fun for all you guests- young or old.

Set Up Heaters

If you are planning to have both your wedding ceremony and reception outside, I would highly suggest renting heaters to set up around your celebration. Heaters are great because they are not an eye-sore and it is a sure fire way to keep everyone warm!

I hope that these warm tips will help keep all of your wedding guests comfortable! There are probably a billion other ways to keep everyone warms, but the most important part is that you (the bride) are comfortable too! Don’t forget to have all of these things ready for not just your guests, but you too!

I hope you all have an amazing week and I will catch you back here next week.

